P2 Lite camera



The P2-Litecam allows you to use the RTI-Display to display a reversing camera.

Note. This only works with the 16:9 RTI screen (DVD)! Unfortunately for the 4:3 screen(CD) we don’t have a option.
The 4:3 screen is only delivered in the S80, V70 and S60 from the first model years 1998 to 2002.

Installation is easy!

  1. Disconnect the DVD RTI and Plug the connectors in to the Litecam.
  2. Install the extra connectors back into the RTI computer.
  3. Connect the cable to the + of the reverse lights.
  4. Then install the camera into the tailgate by using a 8 mm drill.
    Note. With this step make sure that the extension of the camera go into the hinge. Not the cable of the camera itself. If the cable breaks by opening the tailgate a lot, it’s cheaper to replace an extension then the camera itself!
  5. Do not tape the camera yet. Now test the device and place the camera the way you like.
  6. Now you can finish the install by placing everything back.




Additional information

Weight 250 g

S80,V70,XC70,S60, XC90 MiniCam, XC90 License Plate Cam MY07->


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